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Story and Myth Behind the Apple Logo Rob Janoff, desainer logo Apple
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak , with thinking of a name for their company . Jobs wanted a simple name . While Wozniak wanted a name that sounded cool and bernuasa electronics .

Wozniak then suggested the name " Enterprise Computers . "

" No, " Jobs does not like that name , he was refused . " There should not be smelling StarTrek . " He spur the pace car is being driven , threatened to menabrakannya to the tree if it is used to name .

" All right ... all right ... Slow down , " pleaded Wozniak .

Jobs slow the pace car . He asserted that the company took the name when someone saw it , he wanted to buy his product . There was a pause , and ... ejected was the name " Apple . "

Wozniak surprised . " Apple ? Like the fruit ? "

" The fruit of creation , Apple . It was simple , but strong . "

That is one scene in the film " Jobs , " in which both the Apple founder to argue for choosing a company name . The name was agreed upon when both Jobs and Wozniak on his way to attend Homebrew Computer Club , which was then held at Stanford University , and attended a computer expert in California , USA . There was , Wozniak's homemade computer concepts presented .

In a press conference in 1981, there was a question from a journalist about why Jobs chose the name Apple . To this question he answered , " I like to eat apples and love . But the main idea behind Apple is bringing simplicity to the public , with the most sophisticated way , and that's it , nothing else . "

Despite carrying the name Apple , but the company's first logo did not describe the physical shape of an apple . The first Apple logo by Ronald Wayne
First logo was created by Ronald Wayne , one of which co-founded Apple in the early days in 1976 , who wanted to represent the law of gravity that is inspired by an apple .

Black and white logo that depicts Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree , complete with a beautiful backdrop . On top of Newton , there are apples surrounded by white light , fall , and as inspiring to him about the law of gravity .

All elements of the image is framed by thin lines , in which there is a text ,
" Newton ... A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought ... alone . " There are also ornate banner that read Apple Computer Co. . , Which is wrapped around the frame .

However , the use of this logo did not last long .

Jobs , who take on many roles at Apple for the business of design , decided to explore something new to the logo , something different . The first logo is considered difficult to be used to reproduce an image in a small size , and the logo was judged to be in harmony with the modern Apple computers that impressed .

Jobs wanted Apple name and logo as if fused .

Jobs met with designer Rob Janoff in January 1977 . At that time , Janoff worked as an art director at the public relations firm Regis McKenna , Inc. ( RMI ) based in California . Regis McKenna , who is none other than the founder of RMI , is a friend of Mike Markkula , an early investor in Apple .

Starting with apples

Why is Janoff selected ? Janoff known to have the ability to define abstract concepts into visual forms . One of Jobs' message to Janoff is , " Do not make it look cute . "

 Rob Janoff in 1977
After the meeting , Janoff began drawing with his own hand , defines the concept , and imagine the shape of a real apple .

Created a single illustration design , describe a simple apple shape , complete with small leaves floating . The addition of the bite pattern on the right side of the fruit was based on visual grounds , so that it looks like an apple fruit , not cherry , not too tomato .

Patterns bite at the apple is seen to be experienced everyone Janoff and across cultures . If someone has an apple , then he will bite on the side and they will get the result , in this case the flesh.

One creative director at RMI office , tells the Janoff that says " Bite " which means bite , pronounced the same as " Bytes , " that is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications systems . Illustration manufacture Apple logo by Rob Janoff

Janoff who do not understand basic computer terms it is surprised to hear the explanation . " Well , you know , that there is a computer term called ' Byte ' . So , this feels like the perfect fit , "said Janoff .

In Rob Janoof official website , he claimed the whole process of logo design Apple only takes two weeks , since the beginning of the meeting until the final design presentation .

When presented the design , Janoff met with Jobs , Wozniak , and Markkula . He presents two versions of the logo , one without a bite , and one with a bite . Janoff also offers several color versions , namely solid color , metallic , and striped versions .

Colors of the rainbow and myths

Jobs really like the design of the bite , and color stripes. Selected colors of the rainbow was irregular to decorate the inside of the fruit . Janoff says , put the top green color because there is no leaf is always at the top of the soil surface .

The meaning behind it is a rainbow of colors , Jobs wants everyone at Apple to "think different . "

Version of the rainbow Apple logo by Rob Janoff
Apple logo was preparing for a product launch of the Apple II computer in April 1977 . Logo and then decorate all Apple products and promoted through advertisements in the mass media .

Former Apple executive Jean - Louis Gassee , who is also founder of the Be Operating System ( BeOS ) , said that the Apple logo is a mystery to him . " One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo . Symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into , all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order . You could not dream of a more appropriate logo ; lust , knowledge , hope and anarchy . "

Over the years , the Apple logo has inspired a lot of urban myths about the meaning and creation. In fact , the myth behind the Apple logo was immortalized in the literature , including books on graphic design to the article on the internet .

Based on a number of analyzes , the colorful Apple logo reflects the hippie culture in the 1960s which was then being loved .

The colors in the logo was also called rainbow flag symbol that reflects the diversity of the LGBT community ( Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual , Transsexual ) . In fact , some are saying it is a colorful tribute to Alan Turing , a mathematical and computer scientists from the UK , who were arrested and prosecuted for the crime of homosexuality . At that time , homoseksulitas considered a security threat . Turing committed suicide in 1954 .

Fortunately, Janoff who is still hale and hearty and still working for a company in Chicago , would give complete answers on analysis of the Apple logo and myths attributed to him .

In an interview with CreativeBits in 2009 , Janoff catapult reason why the chosen colors of the rainbow in the logo . The colors represent the Apple II personal computer or a first home computer that could reproduce images in color monitor .

" So it was the color bars on the screen . Also , it is an attempt to create a logo that can be accepted by all people , especially the younger generation so that Steve could take them to the schools , "said Janoff .

Furthermore , others say , bite at the apple in the scriptures describe the story , Adam and Eve bit the forbidden fruit . This is called Jean - Louis as a symbol of " lust . "

Janoff not surprised at all that myth , because all that he has heard for a long time . However , he strongly denied all these myths . According to him , the bite was applied in order to design a simple apple it really looks like an apple , and cherry fruit instead .

" I 'll tell you . I designed it with a bite for scale ( difference ) , so people who see it getting mean that it is an apple , not a cherry , "said Janoff to CreativeBits .

Apple logo from the beginning until now

Rainbow Apple logo version lasted for 22 years , from 1977 to 1998 . Company changes the color of the logo after Steve Jobs returned to Apple , when a company is in financial crisis . Since then , the myth of the colors on the Apple logo is gone .


Despite the color change , but the basic shape of the Apple logo is not changed . Color on the Apple logo will continue to define Apple products in the future .

Janoff assess color changes on the Apple logo looks good from time to time . Every color and line meets the objectives and in accordance with the current conditions . He believes Jobs was aware of the design , and Apple has a graphic design team as well as strong industrial design .

" Apple shape changed slightly from my original design in the early 1980s . Design firm Landor & Associates made ​​the changes . They wear bright colors , they make the shape more symmetrical , much more geometric , " said Janoff .

In the technology industry , Janoff also been working on the design for the IBM and Intel .

Janoff itself like a simple character logo design , logo design Contonya Volkswagen , NBC , and FedEx . He liked the logo that has to do between positive and negative space , where there will be something that is revealed there .

" The logo is usually to be interpreted from the very, very small , to very , very large , and it is not always easy . So , I think the simplicity and readability is key , " he explained .

Regardless of myths circulating about Apple logo , Apple's design work of Janoff recognized as one of the most iconic corporate logos in the world , eternal , and proven to survive for 37 years until the 2014 's .

The Apple logo is very easily interpreted . This is the reason why Apple never put information about the company name in the logo . Janoff succeeded in giving identity to Apple , which is simple , but powerful , Jobs liking .


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