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Online Business Opportunity ilustration by
Online Business Opportunity - Along with the increase of Internet users and also economic growth in Indonesia at this time, the development of business in Indonesia also found increased quite rapidly, especially the growth of its online business. Not only in the business of information technology (IT) media where information that was once through conventional paper is now online newspapers such as;,,,,, and many others, but also in the online business (eCommerce) as well as offline businesses that go online.
We certainly have seen an offline business which is then marketed online to increase sales or to make the brand more famous. One of offline businesses go online very caught my attention is the business of selling online rendang by Ms. Reno Andam Suri. We can see his videos on YouTube. In short the current online business opportunity is wide open and can be done by anyone who wants to do business.
Online business course run business via the Internet. Everyone who has an Internet connection and also have products to sell online can run a business online. The target market is not limited because we can sell our products anywhere both locally and internationally. One example is Ms. Reno selling rendangnya through the Internet, he could reach out to prospective buyers online, and makes it possible to obtain greater profits.
Based on my penglaman and also information about the business that I found online, here are some online business opportunities without large capital and we can do from home:
Other articles: Business opportunities small capital and working from home

1. Sell Other People's Products (resellers / dropshiper / affiliate)
Profits selling other people's products (resellers / dropshiper) is that we do not need to bother about the procurement of goods sold and delivery process. There are many online stores that offer this program, of course, we must study the history of transactions from the online store, and make sure that you are working with someone who is responsible and trustworthy.
An online store that offers a reseller program and dropship are usually willing to deliver the goods to the buyer where the packaging of the goods or the name of our online store the sender. So we will not lose the buyer if it wants to make a purchase in the future. Products sold by way of reseller / dropship usually is shaped goods.
In addition to selling products in physical form, we can sell other people's products in digital form such as an ebook, video, and membership. Usually this is called the affiliate program where we get a percentage commission of the total price of digital products that we managed to sell through our affiliate link.

2. Open Services Write / Create Website Content
Website content can be in the form of text, image, and video. However, most of the content of the website I see an average use of text. If you or someone around you has the ability to write articles, make videos, and pictures, so here's the online business opportunity that you should run. There are so many website owners who do not have time or do not have a good skill in creating content for their website.
In addition to content in the form of text, video and image content logo is also pretty much need. One of the video content and images often look for is to make video marketing and also the logo image associated with a business that will be marketed. Someone who has the ability to make a marketing video content and also the logo image should take advantage of this business opportunity.
Related article: Business Without Capital - What is Possible?

3. Open Development Services Website / Blog
This business is very suitable for someone who has the ability to build a website or blog. We do not need to have very great skill in compiling code websites from scratch because there are actually many ways quite easy to build a website / blog that is good. One platform that is very easy to learn and apply in building a website / blog is WordPress. At WordPress, there are a lot of themes / templates are ready-made and unique, both free and paid with a professional appearance.
At first you may feel less able to run this business, but if you are used to create a website / blog that is good, of course prospective buyer you will not think long to hire you. And we need to consider before selling these services, we should also have a business website with a convincing display.

4. Become An Online Broker
This business is pretty much done by the online business. A broker is a person or a company assigned to reconcile between the seller of a product / service to prospective buyers. Of course, to become a broker, we must have sufficient network and extensive contacts. In online business, trust is something that is very important. Because it should we need to study the background of the people we want to arrange a meeting, both the seller and the prospective buyer.
Some businesses who use the services of online brokers, among others; selling websites, selling property, selling services, and others. The other thing we need to consider as an online broker is in terms of pricing of products / services that you provide. Better not take the profit is too big and not too small because it concerns your advantage and confidence from your clients.
Related article: Small Business Capital - Anything?

5. Opening Consulting Services in the Field Specific Online
This business is very suitable if you have excellent ability in a specific field, in the sense that you are an expert in the field in which you worked. Some examples of these business areas are consultancy SEO (search engine optimization) of a website, a business development consultancy, consultancy romance problems, consult traditional medicine, and others.

6. Doing Business MLM Online
Many people are of the view tilted about MLM business, and would hastily shut down if there is an offer on their MLM business. In fact this turned out great potential and deliver benefits to many people. However, it should be noted that not all MLM business has a potential advantage for us.
I myself joined the online MLM business is now providing regular income each month, which bluntly and also DBC Network + Oriflame. I chose the online MLM business is because the product is good and widely used by the public. In addition, the business plan offered by the two businesses are very profitable for its members.
Another MLM business I've ever played is Talk Fusion (note: this time I've been inactive) is the product of technology used for promotional media business with video media email. Moreover, to my knowledge there are several other MLM businesses that have business potential is great, but I can not give a review about the business because I had never participated.

7. Become A Professional Blogger
If this one surely almost anyone can do it. There are many bloggers who have income fanstastis of blog / website built. I am personally very inspired by the success story of a blogger from the UK, where initially his WordPress blog on the topic of social media eventually become a large site with earnings reached four hundred thousand dollars more per month, if dirupiahkan four billion more. Name of the site is, originally created with CMS tp now built with
Income from blogs can be derived from the program PPC (pay per click) Google Adsense, space advertising, product reviews, and others. To become a blogger is certainly not a very difficult thing is not it? I myself at first did not like to write and create an article, even at the beginning of the making of this blog, this blog is almost 3 months there is no content at all hehehe. Finally I try and tadaaaa ... articles I've pretty much.

8. Go Offline Business Online
As already described in the paragraph beginning, offline business model we can also run online to increase brand and profits. There are many SMEs are successfully developed its business and profit doubled after market their business online, of course we first have to have a business or product that we sell. To make our offline business marketed online does not require a large capital, which we definitely will need a website and social media as well as support the online marketing is done.
ilustration docs by THINSTOCK
Crude oil prices fell about 3 percent in trading Monday (28/12/2015) local time.
Brent oil prices back to the low point for 11 years and US crude oil trade recorded lower because of weak oil consumption in Japan and there are fears of oversupply.
Crude oil index slipped in Asian trading after the release of Japanese data that showed oil sales lowest in 46 years in a country that is the fourth largest consumer of crude oil the world.
On the New York trading session, the price of black gold is still depressed. Brent oil prices fell US$ 1.28 to
US$ 36.61 per barrel in the afternoon session. The price also was down to US$ 35.98 per barrel, the lowest since 2004.
While US crude West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell
US$ 1.29, or 3.39 percent to US$ 36.81.
Jim Ritterbusch of oil market consultants Ritterbusch & Associates in Chicago, said the trade is still bearish (down trend). "Brent or WTI towards the range of
US$ 32.50," he said.
Meanwhile, countries that are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) are still reluctant to reduce production. However, this decision must be paid.
Saudi Arabia, OPEC's largest member, have swollen budget deficit to
US$ 98 billion, equivalent to around Rp 1,367 trillion in 2015.
Telkom supports the digital revolution over the Internet on fiber
By Doc. Telkom Indonesia

As a digital company, PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom) is currently trying to expand its digital-based services. This was done as a way to remove the information gap (digital divide) in Indonesia.Director of Consumer Service Telkom, Dian Rachmawan said Telkom continues to equitable access to broadband throughout Indonesia. Not only in big cities, efforts were made to the equalization remote areas so that an increase in economic activity.Citing the message President Joko Widodo, Dian said that the digital revolution would revolutionize the economy of Indonesia."If the construction of telecommunications infrastructure has been evenly distributed, the need for communication and information fast and easy. People can also enjoy a real change," said Dian, last week.Such efforts, he added, is done through a service tripleplay IndiHome 100 percent fiber. With these services the customer will get the means of communication such as interactive TV, home phone and high-speed wireless Internet network.
High-SpeedIndihome a Telkom solutions provide digital home services on the Internet in the form of high-speed fiber. With these services the public expected more easily enjoy digital communications and information-based.Dian added that the break of the number of subscribers to one million by the end of December this proves the high public trust in the service. According to him, large numbers will continue to increase with the increase of quality to high-speed internet.Dian said, one million customers IndiHome a tangible manifestation of the commitment of Telkom through Indonesia Digital Network (IDN) in supporting the digitization of the Indonesian nation."Through this service we continually strive to improve customer satisfaction, both in terms of product quality and service. All these achievements can not be separated from the role of the customer in providing trust," said Dian.In this case, he added, the fiber optic network would greatly support the needs of high-speed internet. Until now, Telkom recorded has built a network of fiber optic infrastructure that stretches from Sabang to Merauke. Internet speed had reached 100 megabite per second (Mbps) are evenly distributed throughout Indonesia.Not only that. IDN fiber optic backbone infrastructure has reached most areas of Indonesia during the 70 thousand kilometers from Sumatra to Papua. A total of 60 cities and 100 smaller town can enjoy high speed internet.Thus, the equalization based on digital information and communication will be resolved because of the support of Telkom to the digital revolution. Economic movement can be evenly grow in all regions of Indonesia.
MCIT Rudiantara (left) together with the founders of Google, Sergey Brin at MCIT office, Monday (12/28/2015).
At the time of his visit to the office of Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) Rudiantara, Google founder Sergey Brin admitted impressed with the application of Go-Jek and interested in installing applications.
Brin was immediately want to install them during the minister tell where GoMassage features. GoMassage is one feature in an application that allows the user Gojek book massage services.
Brin visit on Monday (28/12/2015) afternoon was brief. One hour he was in Kemenkominfo, with more than 30 minutes spent talking with Rudiantara in enclosed spaces.
Once out of the room, they immediately held a press conference. Rudiantara said that during indoors earlier, exposing her ambition to create a local startup in 1000 qualified in the next five years, to develop a digital economy and e-commerce roadmap.
Chief Minister who is familiarly called RA was also asked Google's involvement in Indonesia to realize this ambition.
Brin respond to a request to warm. Google X lab boss was revealed that they have a program to develop a startup in Indonesia, namely Launchpad Accelerator.
"I am happy to be in Indonesia, the largest economy digital country in Asia. Got over 300 million mobile subscribers. Indonesia has the jump to next-generation technology. Of course, Google would be happy to assist digital program of the Indonesian economy," he said.
On the sidelines of the talks, Brin could catapult praise for Go-Jek. According to him, the pioneering effort Nadiem Makarim become a phenomenon that sounds to foreign countries.
"Looking at entrepreneurship as Go-Jek made us want to be here (development startup)," he concluded.
Rudiantara respond to the statement. He looked at the motorcycle-based application that is a new business model that could shake the world of transportation.
"Go-Jek that not only transport people, but it makes lazy. Whatever is delivered, for example if you want food or a massage. Making lazy but also gives efficiency. It's time," he said.
But before the minister went on to say, Brin trigger cut, "Wait, what ?! It can also massage the message? I will install Go-Jek now."
Minister and the audience was instantly laugh. He then added that applications such as Go-Jek is the future of the digital economy of Indonesia and hope there will be more kind.

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