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Fallout Shelter: More Than Just Art Survive (Part 2)

Fallout Shelter: More Than Just Art Survive, By

Room and Bar Meter

Here's the room that you can wake up: Elevator, Living Quarters, Power Generator, Diner, Water Treatment, Storage Room, Medbay, Science Lab, Radio Studio, weight Room, Athletics Room, Armory, Classroom, Fitness Room, Lounge, Game Room, Nuclear reactor, Garden, Water Purification and Nuka-Cola Bottler.All rooms have a price and the respective terms of how many Vault dwellers fill your order can only build the room.Once you build a basic room, you should know that the basic mechanisms in order to keep your Vault stably `awake` me is you have to maintain the three bar meter that will be the benchmark you're live' in this game, of which there is power (electricity), water and food. Therefore, the dweller must be employed in order to generate the resources to fill the third bar of your Vault meter. 

Fallout Shelter: More Than Just Art Survive, By

Keep in mind, of course not dwellers who come in droves. At the same time, you will definitely experience a crisis where you have to need more dweller to work more in the room that you wake up.Therefore, being a unique point in this game is you can `marry` dweller you to give birth to a child. Later, the child will grow up quickly and become mature dweller who can be hired. How? a meeting of two of the opposite sex in the room dweller Living Quarters, and let them `interacting` own.

Fallout Shelter: More Than Just Art Survive, By

Broadly speaking, that is the velocity of your routine in this game. Build more room to the basic subsoil, collect dwellers, marry, build more rooms, train dwellers and so on.

Dweller and Skill

Oh yes, you can send your dweller to Wasteland so that they could find something new out there. Enough with tap and swipe your exit Vault dweller, then they will go away by itself and presenting regular updates that reported what kind of condition they experienced out there. Later, they will collect unique items that can be used when you told him to return to Vault.
Fallout Shelter: More Than Just Art Survive, By

 Dweller You could die if the health bar meter is exhausted. This can happen if you fight monsters dweller or raiders ahead. To fix this, you can heal your dweller with Stimpak. You can replace your costume and weapons based on ability possessed.Keep in mind, changing costumes and weapons will improve your dweller in the work and fight the enemy.Dweller you have a skill that abbreviated S.P.E.C.I.A.L. which comes from the words Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.It is impossible for dweller has all skill levels S.P.E.C.I.A.L. high, but that is certainly one among these skills must belong to each dweller. Actually, you can circumvent this by doing training to all dweller that all his skill increased.

Fallout Shelter: More Than Just Art Survive

For example, you can train in the Classroom, to improve skill Intelligence, or you can train the dweller in the Armory to hone skills Perception. This is where the fun of this game starts, where you have to worry about a dweller hone his skills each. What if you have at least 70 dweller and have to take care hone skills? Surely it would be busy.


Score: 4.5 / 5Aside from all points of the complex about how you as an overseer should set the Vault you become more prosperous complete with dwellers and children pinaknya, we value that Fallout Shelter is a simulation game that is funny but still appeared full as a mobile game that brings the value of survival depends on the aspect of view players.Moreover, this game has a graphic display unique and delicate that supposedly makes plus points for this game. Only, boredom could be struck later players already build Vault at the final stage, where the Vault dwellers crammed full and you do not know what to do anymore.However, when compared to real life, that's the art of survival that is applied in the Fallout Shelter, when you are stuck with all the limitations that have been made, you have to rack my brain again in order to find a new point where you still maintains maximum flow of your life to get better again for the future. 


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